Monday 28 February 2011

The Beach

Best Blogger Tips

What a great couple of days! This weekend three dear friends, who are all writers, and I caught up at the beach.
My weekend began with a ferry ride, which I always enjoy, but this one was spectacular - near Sorrento, a large pod of dolphins swam in the vessel's wake, dipping and diving. What a sight!
Next, while the rest of our party were traveling, I set up at a picnic table opposite the beach and wrote - nothing like a change of scenery to spark fresh thoughts.
From there is was two days filled with laughter, friendship and inspiration and of course, work.
My friends are not only gorgeous people, but incredibly generous and talented. Even the most uncreative couldn't help but be inspired just being with them.
How lucky am I?

1 comment:

karen tayleur said...

hey Sue, I found you! Can't wait to do that again soon. Cheers

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